Pipi Kaula
Pipi Kaula
25 pounds chuck steaks or other inexpensive beef cut
Quart shoyu
1 cup Hawaiian chili peppers (or to taste)
5 inches fresh ginger root
4 medium bulbs garlic
2 cups orange marmalade
Cut the pipi into strips, about an inch thick and as long as your smoker can handle. Mince all of the spices. Add them and the marmalade to the shoyu. Soak the meat at least overnight (I usually go about a week), turning it twice daily. You can also put the pipi and the sauce into containers and freeze until you are ready to smoke it.
Following the instructons in your smoker, dry and smoke the pipi kaula until it is as dry as you like. Store frozen.
This is good cut into small strips or minced for fried rice, omlets, to sprinkle over potatoes, or any other way you would use bacon or dry smoked meat.