New Maps of Kon Lan Hi, Khi Pyan
I found updated maps of Hakka Villages in the area of which my great grandfather came from. This is a continuation of another post that I did:
There is a Jamaican Chinese website that has put together a database of thier tombstones, surnames, and home villages. They also have a map that list the hakka villages. Another interesting thing is that there are ‘Chuck’ that went to Jamaica. My dad’s mother’s name is Chock (same). Another area to explore. You can find Ki Piang on the map of a Hakka Village:
I found a bigger picture from the book “JAMAICAN CHINESE WORLDWIDE – ONE FAMILY” by Patrick & Lorraine Lee”
It has a legend to find Ki Piang: It is on the left page about 3/4 page up above Gon Lan. You see Kee Piang.
Kon Lan Hi, Khi Pyan … GuanLan Town, QiPing Village, Shenzhen
I found this 1866 map
It doesn’t show Kee Piang but it does show Kon Lan
I thought this was cool. A little more verification on the location of this Hakka Village that Wung Sam Sing came from.