EK Wung in Honolulu Magazine ” Where You Wen Grad?”
From Honolulu Magazine Nov 2012
Where You Wen Grad?
Oh, high school. Is there any other time in our lives for which we’re so nostalgic, and yet so glad is over? Luckily (or embarrassingly), yearbooks are there to record the experience—the homecoming dances, the awkward fashions, the jocks, nerds and babes. Your yearbook is probably safely stashed in a closet somewhere, but someone else has a copy, too: the Hawaii State Library. Its collection includes just about every high school throughout the Islands, and dates back as far as 1914. We combed through the stacks to find what’s changed about the local high school experience over the years, and what’s stayed exactly the same.
Special thanks to the Hawaii State Library staff, who were a great help in collecting all these images. If you’re interested in exploring more old yearbooks, the entire collection is available to the public in the Hawaii and Pacific Section of the Hawaii State Library (478 S. King Street, 586-3535, librarieshawaii.org.)
1914 – Hilo H.S.
The entire 1914 graduating senior class, from left: Irene Kalai, En Kong Wung, Rita Canario, Matsuyo Sakuma.
Early 20th Century yearbooks often read like literary journals, with sections for poetry, essays and jokes. Sample quip from 1921: Kanichi F: “There’s something so dove-like about her.” Bud Y.: “Yes, she’s pigeon-toed.”
1927 Punahou ROTC
The 1951 Castle High School yearbook asked seniors to name the career they were planning to pursue. Among the answers: telephone operator, stenographer, undertaker, deep sea fisherman, deep sea fisherman’s wife, society playboy, professional hobo.
1963 McKinley Driver’s Ed
1986 Moanalua Rally
1941 Punahou Football
1970 Waipahu Baseball
Six decades before Title IX, girls were excited to play sports. The 1914 Hilo high school girls’ basketball program fielded 19 members, almost triple the size of the boys’ team that year.
1914 Hilo Girls’ Basketball Team
1986 Radford Homecoming
Every generation has its own style innovations. Radford ’97’s yearbook devoted a spread to a new craze sweeping the campus—piercings and tattoos—with multiple photos of students sticking out their tongues to show off the barbells running through them.
1963 McKinley Prom
1986 Radford
1992 Waianae
1963 McKinley
1948 Hilo
1976 Kamehameha Homecoming