Mayblossom Wilkinson comments on the Chock Sai Shee Village in China

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I had asked Mayblossom Wilkinson about the village we came from.  She verbally talks about the village and county where Chock Sai Shee comes from.  I tried to write it in English here.

Jung San Goo Hok cheun Kung seong doo


I found some maps and got ‘Geography of Kwangtung Province for Hawaii Residents’ here.  Read it and it will tell you a lot about the villages etc.  To find Goo Hok Cheun    (village)  in Kung Seong Doo #6 district may take some more research.   The names have changed. 

Such as Doo changed to Kee.

I think that one of the maps shows Goo Hok   in the upper left of Kung Seong Doo.

I have to verify this.


Here are some maps of the area:





geography_of_kwangtung_province_for_hawaii_residents.pdf Download this file


File:Pearl River Delta Area (Zhongshan).png

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